☆ Delusional Attachments !

This is a carrd made to give a very basic definition of what D/As are, what's healthy to do, and what's unhealthy to do. I am using the "Comic Neue" font for ease of reading for those who may
have issues reading other fonts.
edited as of may 25 2022.
please check “final notes” for more context.

This carrd takes heavy inspiration layout wise from the Hyperfixations informative carrd.

☆ What is a "Delusional Attachment" ?

A Delusional attachment is a term used to refer to a character/item/person/entity that someone experiences delusions of being. D/A is the most popular term to refer to it’s subject, especially in online spaces, so i’m choosing to use it in this carrd. However, Keep in mind that it was not coined by a Doctor.

☆ What should I do If I have a D/A ?

In my personal experience I encourage you to find a safety net. Talk to close friends offline and online if needed who you can look to for support whenever it gets dangerous. Look into different “grounding” methods, figure out what you’re comfortable with and what you aren’t. Speak to a therapist who knows your situation better then some random carrd maker on the internet if possible. All situations are unique, and I wish you the best of luck.

☆ What should I not do If I have a D/A?

Feed into it.
It is not good to feed into D/As by calling yourself by the object of the D/As name, referring to yourself as them, or referring to other people as the object of their D/A, etc. No matter what some twitter thread claims. I promise you it will make detaching yourself from it much more difficult.

☆ Misconceptions !

1. Psychosis is nothing like Dissociative Identity Disorder or Other Specified Dissociative Disorder (DID/OSDD). Do not confuse them, group them together, or treat people with D/As like systems, and do not treat Systems like they are experiencing D/A’s (While it is possible to have both alters and d/as, they are still different experiences.)2. Reality checking is not bad or "ableist" and you shouldn't throw that word around in the slightest. While reality checking can be done badly, that does not make the entire concept bad, just how someone executes it. It is totally okay if you aren’t comfortable having a stranger reality check you.Psychosis is so much more then D/As, if you wish to learn more, I plan to add resources shortly.

☆ Final Notes !

This carrd was written by someone diagnosed with DID&Schizoaffective disorder. Please do not act as if i do not know what i’m talking about.I only recently got back my old carrd login and decided to revamp this entire thing, as it was originally a very misplanned late at night rant because ive seen far too many grown adults feeding into psychosis.I hope with the newer edits it’ll be more helpful and less passive aggressive. I’m sorry to those who originally read it in its former state.